Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Channeling David Phillips

Anyone who has traveled with David Phillips knws that he is the undisputed King of public transportaion. No matter the mode, he knows all the schedules and gets you to the stop exactly when the train/plane/bus arrives. It´s magic!
I am trying to emulate him on my route 77a bus that takes me to school and back. The busses arrive frequently, so you rarely have to wait more than five minutes, if that. Today´s driver trained at Monte Carlo, with the most hard stops, jackrabbit starts and swerving in and out of lanes I´ve ever seen. He had no decoration on his bus, save the rosary around the rearview mirror and a Guadalupe holy card on the dash


  1. Mary, I am envious of you. I know Dad would be happy and proud of you. Enjoy your time.

  2. I am having a great time, and I think of him all the time, especially his laugh!
    Peggy, you´re here!

  3. Hi, Mare! I'm trying, too! :) :)
    Your bus driver sounds like this one old dude that drives one of our shuttle routes here at work. We call him Mario Andretti...
