Wednesday, May 27, 2009

If it flies in Puebla...

Turns out, Puebla is the Peoria of Mexico. The town is so traditional, that they say if something works here, it will work anywhere in Mexico. There´s lots of market research here. In fact, there´s a chain of coffee shops called The Italian Coffee Company, that I thought was a foreign chain. (The name is in English). Turns out, they noticed that people were going just for coffee here, and they capitalized on that, starting the chain. They also introduced the concept of cold coffee here. And now it´s huge. Go figure.
There are Starbucks here, but I haven´t seen one.


  1. Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow in Mexico?

  2. You´re my first comment! It´s going fine. but a constant battle of newness. I am talking a lot, but I certainly don´t feel bilingual as of yet. It´s only been 4 days, tho!
    What´s going on there? What are you talking about? what are you doing??
